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In particular in the case of share issues, the issuers are themselves responsible for the company information presented. The company information represents the estimations of the issuers and does not necessarily correspond to the opinion of Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank.
Moreover, Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank has not conducted an in-depth examination of all the information provided.
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You will find important notices on Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank’s data protection here.
Emails sent via the Internet can easily be read by others, manipulated, delivered incompletely or with a delay, or sent under a false name. Accordingly, we have to restrict the legal obligation of emails for our and your security:
In the relationship with the bank, the use of emails is intended for the exchange of information only and is to make communication faster.
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The publications on the following pages neither constitute any individual securities, property and investment advice nor any recommendations for the acquisition, purchase or subscription of the respective security or other financial instruments, because this information does not include all the details relevant for the valuation of a security or financial instrument.
Insofar as the following websites include an offer or the invitation to make an offer with regard to the purchase or the subscription of the respective security, this offer or invitation to make an offer is exclusively directed to well-informed, independently-deciding and riskaware investors with sufficient experience in the securities business.
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